Category: violence

  • Who is John Galt?

    I am re-reading “Atlas Shrugged” in hopes of gaining new perspective a world that makes less sense to me day by day. I am committed to hearing different voices. I know that I will show respect and will learn from the majority of my neighbors at the bayshore who see the world very differently than…

  • First week at new winter office

    Today I took a long walk down 2nd Street in Millville, New Jersey. I expect to be working in town all winter before returning to my bayshore office at Money Island in the spring. I took the two mile walk after a nonprofit accounting engagement that is not going well triggered an upset in my…

  • Tension over the Downe docks

    It’s no secret that the marinas and supporting businesses all along the NJ bayshore are struggling. The classic predictable human response to environmental pressures is increased tension among members of the community. That’s not unique to us. It happens everywhere. But the environmental pressure is certainly increasing and tensions are rising. The watermen here, pushed…

  • The new search for spiritual inspiration by spreading the story

    The final blow was when I heard a report, also unconfirmed, that government will step up its financial assault on the few remaining local marinas.