Category: government

  • The Power of Government Lawyers

    Today’s news carries reports about president Trump switching to a team of government lawyers to defend him in an active rape case. I feel bad for the rape victim. I found out firsthand how difficult it is when corrupt politicians use government lawyers against you in a case a few years ago “State of New…

  • Aquaculture crawls forward

    It was a busy week at Money Island but that doesn’t mean that an outcome is any more clear. I see competing and conflicting interests that will eventually clash. Meanwhile, I head two independent confirmations of ongoing investment here. The state is planning more oyster aquaculture training in Trenton in early 2020. I was asked…

  • A productive government meeting today

    Today I had a meaningful and productive meeting in Bridgeton with two important and influential state officers. My purpose was to admit my uncomfortable position, admit past mistakes, and clear the air for better communications in the future. I said that I don’t know who I can trust and that makes me nervous. I also…

  • First week at new winter office

    Today I took a long walk down 2nd Street in Millville, New Jersey. I expect to be working in town all winter before returning to my bayshore office at Money Island in the spring. I took the two mile walk after a nonprofit accounting engagement that is not going well triggered an upset in my…

  • The most important economic trend for small businesses

    I now count 42 years of my life as a small business operator. The first one was a sweet corn farming operated conducted separately from my family and neighbors at age 17. Since then, I’ve had quite a range of small business experiences from an internet based technology company to soft shell crabs. That range…

  • “Lack of oversight”

    “Lack of oversight by Florida International University, the Florida Department of Transportation, contractors and engineers is to blame for the deadly collapse of a pedestrian bridge on the school campus in 2018, federal investigators said Tuesday.” – UPI 10/22/2019 The tragic story of the 2018 Florida bridge collapse in the news again today results in…

  • #WorldMentalHealthDay and environmental justice in New Jersey

    Today is noted in news broadcasts as World Mental Health Day. In this past week I’ve had more discussions about mental health than is typical. The book “The Drowning of Money Island” released October 1 talks about the nervous breakdown of the former business owner who is still one of my closest neighbors. I did…

  • Whistleblower risks are real

    Whistleblower risks are real! I know first hand the real dangers of being a government whistle blower. It happened right here in Cumberland County New Jersey in 2006. As I laid badly injured on my lawn at the side of the road we heard the attacker yelling “What did you think would happen for fucking…

  • Eminent domain at the bayshore

    “Little else raises fear in property owners like eminent domain powers of government”. I remember back years ago when we didn’t worry that our children might be murdered in a mass killing by crazy guy with a military style machine gun in their school. Back then we didn’t worry that people from another country were…

  • ”Elitist”

    We face threats to our quality of life and even our continued existence in two primary realms: 1) democracy and 2) planet. The proven effective strategy of those in control of the status quo is to repress history and current science by replacing these with emotionally driven memes that support their own agendas. We see…