A productive government meeting today

Today I had a meaningful and productive meeting in Bridgeton with two important and influential state officers. My purpose was to admit my uncomfortable position, admit past mistakes, and clear the air for better communications in the future. I said that I don’t know who I can trust and that makes me nervous. I also said that I really don’t know how things will work out for us at the bayshore. I still don’t see the big picture of what’s going on with state government and that’s not because I broke y reading glasses there. These officers deny knowingly collaborating with other officials but admit acting on “anonymous” sources. I’m skeptical that the sources are other agencies.

The meeting went well. I decided to not publicly name the officials. I also told them that I would not name others in the community that they wanted me to discuss. Balancing my goal of publicly documenting events vs. acting with good judgement to not disclose some details will continue to be a challenge for me.

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