Who is John Galt?

I am re-reading “Atlas Shrugged” in hopes of gaining new perspective a world that makes less sense to me day by day. I am committed to hearing different voices. I know that I will show respect and will learn from the majority of my neighbors at the bayshore who see the world very differently than I do. I make this commitment knowing that many disagree with the approach. My interest is self-serving. I am interested in working together to build efficiency and my own effectiveness. I know that collaberation among people with different skills and resources is the very sign of intelligence. I am also interested in learning about myself. I want to know how did this happen? Why are the things so clear to me invisible to others and vice versa? Why are so many unwilling to even discuss the data of our world even when confronted with their lack of logic? Today, exactly three weeks after our national election, I see nine of my neighbors flying “Trump 2020 No more bullshit” banners. I am accustomed to attribute this behavior to some type of fluid mental illness stress response but I’ve not learned how to think about this worldly thinking that is adapted by half the population.

Tonight I listened to the TED talk of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya about fearlessness in the face of authoritarianism. Meanwhile, earlier today a long time friend said that he concludes that he will die soon on the day when Biden comes to take his guns. The irony is apparent; my attempt to use intellectual analysis on a situation that defies and revolts against this very same cognitive process. Having a conversation with a person not living in the same platform of reality is shocking. Knowing that he lives in a world where virtually all share his alternate reality is mind-boggling. The obvious difference in where this difference leads us: peaceful protest vs. armed revolution is the thing that most immediately jumps out.

Also today I spoke with two visionaries – people far more successful in business leadership than I’ve been able to demonstrate – two both see great opportunity ahead and are not deterred by the craziness in the world.

The thing I’ve learned so far actually caught me by complete surprise. I am looking to understand change in the world but what I’ve learned instead is the change within me. We are the change. We are John Galt.

Stay tuned for more change ahead.