Month: December 2019

  • Aquaculture crawls forward

    It was a busy week at Money Island but that doesn’t mean that an outcome is any more clear. I see competing and conflicting interests that will eventually clash. Meanwhile, I head two independent confirmations of ongoing investment here. The state is planning more oyster aquaculture training in Trenton in early 2020. I was asked…

  • Finding a new strategic plan

    In this first week of December I am settling into a regular pattern again after a month of chaos from the move. Not that the chaos is ended, it just that I can clear a half day now to focus on strategic goals. The immediate plan is to meet and interview people in my new…

  • Sometimes you just gotta do what’s right (update on environmental activism at the bayshore)

    “Sometimes you just gotta do what’s right inside and hope that maybe the rest of the world will come around to it. And maybe they will and maybe they won’t, but the truth is, you gotta take care of yourself first,“ – Elizabeth Warren, talking about her own life at a campaign rally, December 1,…